High Volume, Higher Stakes: Make sure you pick the right Shopify theme for your high inventory store

When managing a store with a high inventory, choosing the right Shopify theme is integral to providing your customers with an enjoyable shopping experience. With countless products to showcase, it’s important to have a theme that not only accommodates a large catalogue, but also promotes each one in a designated space. By using intuitive navigation features, offering quick access to products, and implementing clean, simple visual elements, you too can ensure your high-volume store is also high quality.

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Don’t know where to start? Lucky for you, we do! Here’s a collection of some of our go-to Shopify themes when dealing with a high inventory store.


Enterprise is one of our absolute favourite themes in general, and when it comes to high inventory stores, it really shines.

Enterprise Homepage

Like all previous themes we highlighted, this theme has an excellent mega menu. However, Enterprise takes things to the next level. There are three separate options when setting up the layout of your megamenu, ranging from a classic list with promotion cards to innovative subsections. Whether choosing a consistent style or mixing up the layout based on the content of each drop down, the additional flexibility is useful when building or updating your site.

On the homepage, there’s also the option to search for a product by particular categories within the header image. By including this feature, it allows a browser to further specify their search very early on, in a very prominent area. This makes a particular item a customer has in mind much easier to find amidst a large inventory.

Another section you are able to leverage is the product comparison table, which effectively highlights different product specifications for similar items. This is a great asset for high inventory stores, as it gives you a chance to highlight the small details that help consumers make their purchasing decisions.


Empire has been on the Shopify theme store for a long time, but it truly has stood the test of it. Designed specifically with dropshipping in mind, this theme is great for stores that have a high inventory, high stock, and high selling rate. 

Empire Homepage

The design of the theme takes inspiration from Amazon, featuring a simple layout with a large search bar and a menu for category filters, which is very effective for stores with large numbers of products as it allows for easy navigation and filtering. Whether your website is providing B2C or B2B products, it’s vital that the customer is able to find the product they want amidst a large catalogue.

Empire also offers functionality through the addition of ‘quick buy’ buttons on collection pages, allowing users to add products to their cart without navigating to the product page. Additions like these might seem like small details, but it can be incredibly useful in helping  customers browse and purchase efficiently without the need for extra clicks.

Making use of the mega menu gives your business a chance to feature numerous collections and categories in a visually appealing, concise and clear way. It adds to the overall user experience of the website, which is especially vital on high volume stores for increasing your conversion rate.

Overall, Empire is a solid theme choice for high-volume stores due to its UX friendly navigation, filtering options, and unique features that simplify the shopping experience for all of your customers.


Expanse is flexible, which allows for a lot more adaptability than a high-volume store may be accustomed to. While it does allow for a lot more customisation, it also features many of the same perks that are great for a smooth, high inventory experience.

Expanse Homepage

For one, Expanse also has the non-negotiable addition of a mega menu, allowing for easy navigation and organised sections, a vital aspect in high-volume stores. It’s also similar to Empire in its ability to include ‘quick buy’ buttons, another must have for any stores showcasing an expansive inventory..

When it comes to levelling up the on page experience, Expanse offers the ability to add promotion banners to your collection pages, perfect for ensuring consumers see your key product lines. You can also leverage their product page sections beyond the standard ‘You May Also Like’ options to additionally show more products from the same brand or the current collection. Both help with guaranteeing easy product discoverability on site, as well as helping your customers find exactly what they are looking for.

Aesthetically, Expanse’s design is more visually pleasing than most basic high volume stores focussing purely on conversion. This makes it the perfect theme to still build a brand image to entice your customers without compromising on functionality. Categories are broken down by circular images, which allow a store to organise a large item catalogue in an organised and easy to navigate way, while still maintaining a pleasant and clean image.


Sticking with themes that also prioritise design, Cornerstone is not only ideal for high inventory stores, it also has a clean and minimalist look, perfect for luxury items. 

Cornerstone Homepage

One of the most effective features for any high volume store is the enhanced search capabilities. Cornerstone allows you to enable search by product type, which helps make shopping with a large product catalogue that little bit easier.

Whether browsing on mobile or using the mega menu, you are able to feature brand logos and imagery advertising different product ranges in an eye-catching way. On top of this, there’s also lots of space in the menu to list different categories, simplifying the user journey and making products easy to find.

Another small feature that adds to the user experience on site, is the addition of your total price by the checkout cart on the homepage. With a high inventory store, customers are often more likely to purchase more items. Therefore, it’s handy to have this visible, as it allows them to keep track of how much they’re spending.

Picking the right Shopify theme can significantly impact the success of your high-volume store. Whether you’re drawn to the robust features of Empire, or the flexibility of Enterprise, each theme we’ve highlighted will allow you to showcase a large inventory, as well as give the individual products, and your brand, a place to shine.

Looking for more information on maximising your high inventory store? Reach out to Kubix today! We’re big people with big ideas. We can handle a big inventory too!

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